White Paper - High Cost of Inventories
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By 2025, the new materials market is expected to increase to a $150 billion dollar industry. Faced with complex materials and new market pressures, manufacturers must be more agile than ever when it comes to managing tooling inventory. Replacing traditional strategies with modern methods puts shops in control.
With a flexible, more versatile approach to tooling, shops can eliminate waste, reduce setup time, optimize production and, ultimately, lower costs. Not to mention the increased ability to take on a wide variety of production tasks that allow them to stay nimble without over-buying.
Real-time digital inventory control ensures shops only order what they need when they need it. Sharing tooling inventory information across the production chain makes everyday operations smarter.
Versatile tooling and digitized inventory management help shops relieve the tension between stock inventory and profitability while preparing their business for the future.
Ready to learn how?
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