White Paper - The Right Drill to Achieve Holemaking Production Goals
Why the right drill is critical for achieving production goals, and why universal drills may be the smart choiceThe goal of metal cutting applications, including holemaking, is to keep tooling and operational costs low and output high.
While many manufacturers carefully consider the tools they use for milling and turning, they may not treat the selection of holemaking tools as an equally critical decision, but they are.
Tips and tricks are always welcome. Please read a snippet below and get access to all of them by downloading the whitepaper:
- Because universal type solid carbide drills are self-centering, the need for center drilling and pre-drilling is unnecessary.
- Avoid drilling pre-drilled holes with self-centering drills to prevent chipping of the drill’s corners. If a pre-drilled hole exists, reduce feed by 50% until the drill has reached full cut.
- Use pre-operations for irregular/rough hole entrance surfaces, such as milling a flat, or reduce feed by 50% until the drill has reached full cut.
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