People & Communities
Seco is committed to protecting and advancing people, enabling psychological safety, diversity, equity and inclusion in our business, and making a positive impact in our communities.
At Seco, we are committed to protecting and advancing people, enabling psychological safety, diversity, equity and inclusion in our business, and making a positive impact in our communities.
At Seco, Health & Safety is not only a priority but an integral part of our sustainable business model. We are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for all our people. We rigorously monitor health and safety across all our operations and product development, ensuring that our people go home safely at the end of the day.
*The Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) measures the number of fatalities, lost time injuries, restricted work injuries, and injuries requiring medical treatment per million hours worked.
At Seco, our employees may be diverse, but we are united by a family spirit that helps us care for one another. We see diversity and inclusion as a prerequisite for succeeding in the continuous globalization of the marketplace as they provide us with a strong competitive advantage. Having the right mix of people will enrich our relationships with our customers and support our development. We are committed to creating a workplace where different perspectives and ideas can flourish, and where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported.
We are passionate about using our talents to solve challenges, inspire young people into the jobs of the future, and promote sustainability in the communities where we operate. We actively participate through partnerships, education, and volunteering to bring our values to life and to help our communities thrive. Our goal is to carry out one community involvement project at every large Seco site annually by 2030.

We are dedicated to enhancing our employees' health and wellbeing by providing essential resources for physical fitness, mental health support, and psychological safety, ensuring they lead a balanced and fulfilling life.
We are proud to highlight some of the key initiatives within our people and communities focus area:
Supporting local communities is at the heart of our business. We believe in being active neighbors, not just a company. Our commitment goes beyond business goals — it's about making a meaningful impact on people’s lives. We engage in meaningful local projects, from neighborhood improvements to environmental initiatives and job preparation for the future.
We offer the opportunity to work with our communities and to volunteer on projects that make a shift on digital, environmental or social projects.
The sustainability shift
- Supporting action on climate change
- Advancing solutions for resource and waste challenges
- Contributing to clean and sustainable development of communities
The digital shift
- Building technical and digital skills for new ways of working
- Supporting innovation and new ideas that help the world advance
- Introducing people to new technologies
The societal shift
- Breaking down barriers to equality and inclusion so everyone can fulfil their potential
- Improving health and wellbeing for more resilient communities
- Supporting infrastructure development
- Working with external partners to achieve a common goal
- Providing our key skills of engineering and passionate people to make a difference
- Providing funding and donations in kind to support clear outcomes
- Supporting education and knowledge building initiatives
- Providing insight and material for learning (e.g. mentorship programs)
- Active participation by our people in community partnerships and initiatives
- Part of our culture and development process to provide time, skills and energy to community projects
Our success depends on our people. We are committed to attracting, developing, and retaining top talent. Our initiatives include performance management, development plans, talent management, succession planning, competence management, leadership skills development, and fostering an inclusive culture.
We offer programs like the Global Trainee Program and the Next Generation Management Program to attract and develop global talent. On-the-job training and coaching are also fundamental to our employee development.